Eco Design: Your way to circular economy compliant products and processes

The new Ecodesign Regulation and far-reaching demands on industry to create material cycles face companies with extensive new requirements. An important element of this is the transparency for authorities and the public. To ensure it, the lawmakers are requiring companies to create so-called Digital Product Passports including information on substances of concern, the CO2 footprint, and recycling, amongst others.

This requires you to know the recyclability of your products, and to design them for recycling right from the start. tec4U Solutions is working with the leading protagonists of the automotive industry in the Catena X project on the development of system worlds and databases to map recycling strategies:

tec4U Solutions can offer you software-supported solutions and consultancy for both issues, the Digital Product Pass and the Design for Recycling:

In parallel and in keeping with the “solution provider’s” corporate philosophy, the following services were developed for you to ensure an integrated implementation of the Ecodesign Regulation and circular economy requirements.

Training as
Circular Economy Manager

The Circular Economy Management course will train you in the following subjects:

  • Legal bases of the Ecodesign Regulation and circular economy

  • Necessary realization options such as Product Passports, recycling strategies, hazmat management, and others.

  • Integration of the requirements on the process side

The training takes 2.5 days and ends with a test, as well as a test certificate upon its successful passing.

Process workshop for integrating ecodesign requirements in company processes

The requirements of the Ecodesign Regulation are multi-layered and formulate far-reaching demands for the Product Passport. As is already the case with material compliance, they concern virtually all company divisions including:

  • Sales

  • Development

  • Quality / Standards department (technical documentation)

  • Purchasing

  • Production

The process needs to ensure that product-specific requirements are included in the Product Passport, that the information is provided, and missing information requested from suppliers and/or substituted by intelligent logic and database knowledge.

The process workshop is preceded by an extensive context analysis to identify the company-related requirements of the Ecodesign Regulation. In the process workshop, all trainees are first brought to a uniform state of knowledge in a 2-hour awareness raising-session. This is followed by workshops in the various departments for integrating topics and requirements in their processes.

At the end of the process workshop, all departments concerned have been trained in the Ecodesign Regulation, the requirements have been defined and integrated into their processes.

Eco Design Certificate

With the Eco Design Certificate, you can choose from two different certificate types:

Product certification

The product certification concerns the Product Passport. In a combination of document review and company audit, it verifies if the dedicated Product Passport meets the requirements of the Ecodesign Regulation (format review), including the data quality/quantity requirements (content audit).

A product-related Eco Design Certificate is issued after the test if the format and content requirements are met.

System certification

The system certification concerns the processes generating the contents for the Product Passport, along with the latter’s creation, maintenance, and use. In a combination of process audit (process description, document review) and company audit, it looks at how the information that goes into the Product Passport is generated, consolidated and finally mapped in it.

The process is audited by way of real projects looking at the actual implementation. A system-related Eco Design Certificate is issued if the audit is passed.

Any questions?

We are looking forward to your contact.

Stefan Nieser

We look forward to supporting you.